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Data Flow Diagram of the Student Admission System

Data flow diagram of the student admission system represents a graphical overview of the entire student admission system. It contains data flow and process of the entire system.

In software engineering there are three levels of data flow diagrams: Level 0 or context diagram, Level 1 diagram and level 2 diagram.

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Data Flow Diagram for Student Admission System Details

Following table describes the detail of student admission system DFD

NameStudent Admission System (DFD) Data Flow Diagram
AbstractStudent admission system DFD graphically represents the working of entire admission process
Tools used Microsoft Visio
UserApplication Developer
Designed by123projectlab.com
DFD for Student Admission System Details

Context level DFD for Student Admission System

Level 0 is also known as context DFD. This diagram describes the highest level of the student admission system. This level shows the entire system as a single process and its relationship with external entities.

There are two main external entities in student admission data flow diagram:

  • Student
  • Admin
Level 0 DFD for Student Admission System
Level 0 DFD for Student Admission System

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Level 1 DFD for Student Admission System

Level 1 DFD gives a more detailed view of the system as compared to level 0. In this level the single process is divided into multiple sub processes. This level also shows how data flows between sub processes. Student Admission system level 1 DFD has following sub processes:

Student Admission: This process takes all student records as input and maintains this record for future use. Admin gives approval on student admission applications. After approval, students can submit fee.

Course & Subject: This process maintains a record of all courses and modules of each course. Admin can add new courses and modules. If there is any change in curriculum then he can change or add a new module.

Marks Entry: As the name indicates, this process is related to maintaining student marks. Admin enters each student’s marks obtained in the examination. Each student mark sheet is prepared and students can view this and download.

Level 1 DFD for Student Admission System
Level 1 DFD for Student Admission System

Level 2 DFD for Student Admission System

Level 2 further decomposes level 1 DFD. This level defines the working of each subprocess and database. In student admission system level 2 DFD two process of level 1 has been further decomposed. Student Admission process is decomposed into three sub processes:

New Student Admission: This process handles record of new Student admission

Register for Next Semester: This module re register old student into next semester after clearing previous semester

Fee Deposit: Fee deposit process is used to collect fee submission record of each student

Course and Subject process is decomposed into two sub processes:

Course: Course subprocess maintain record of all ue courses running in the organization

Subject: Each course has multiple subjects or modules. This subject data is maintained by this process.

Low Level Functionality of Student Admission System

  • This application is based on client server architecture
  • Student can submit admission application online
  • Admin sort application based on university criteria and approve or disapprove
  • After approval student can deposit course fee
  • This application also maintain examination marks of each student
  • Student can view and download their marksheet
  • After completing semester student are registered for next semester and they can pay for next semester fee

Database of Student Admission System

Database of student admission system is composed of following:

  • Student DB
  • Course DB
  • Subject DB
  • Fee DB
  • Marks DB

These are 5 main data stores that maintain records of the student admission system and provide secure access to the authorized user.

Level 2 DFD for Student Admission System

Advantage of Data Flow Diagram

Here are some advantages of data flow diagram:

  • It represents an easy to understand graphical view of the system
  • Level 1 and level 2 diagram describes all process and stores
  • All the components are explained in detail


The Data Flow Diagram for Student Admission System is a good way to represent the internal workings of the entire admission system. The Context diagram represents its relationship with external entities while the level 1 and 2 describes how information flows through sub-processes.

Level 2 also describes data stores that maintain records of the student admission system. This will help you to showcase working of your final year project. We suggest you to check the following recommended examples of DFD.

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