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238 – Asp Net College Management System Project

Asp net college management system project is a web application. This asp.net project can manage entire college record. College management system project in asp.net keeps record of employee, student attendance, various courses running in the college and tutorial.

This application also keeps record of marks obtained by the students in various semesters. This is a general college management project. It can be adopted by any college with little or no changes.

Modules of asp net college management system project

Main modules of .net college management system project are as follows:

  1. New user
  2. Change password
  3. Student master
  4. Student attendance
  5. Attendance report
  6. Email attendance to the student
  7. Admission to next semester
  8. Employee master
  9. Employee salary
  10. Employee attendance
  11. Employee attendance report
  12. Tutorial master
  13. Course master
  14. View video tutorials
  15. View statement of marks
  16. Student inquiry

Existing Asp net college management system project

The manual process of college record management is a very boring and hardworking job.  It also requires lot of paper work and consumes more human effort. Because of being manual work there is also big chance of mistake in saving record.

All the students’ record is maintained in registers. Searching record of any particular record takes long time. To overcome all these problems we have developed new computerized ‘Asp net college management system project’. This system will solve all the problems of manual work.

Objective of Asp net college management system project

This “Asp net college management system project” is basically for college sector service. Main objective of this application is to record details like student record, student attendance, preparation of attendance report, emailing attendance report to the students, keeping record of marks obtained by the students in various semesters and prepare statement of marks.

This project also keeps record of various employees working in the college like employee details, employee attendance record and preparation of employee attendance report. This project also keeps record of marks obtained by the students in various subjects in various semesters. Each student is given a unique user id and password. They can login to their account and view their marks.

Download College Management System Synopsis

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Project NameCollege Management System
Project Code238
Project TypeWebsite
TechnologyAsp.net(C#), Sql Server
Project CostRs.(INR). 3000/-
To view Demo video of this project please leave a comment below with your email id. We will Email you the Demo Video of this project.

** PLEASE NOTE : These project are only for students purpose only

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